
Webinar: “What to do before-after-during Covid-19 Attack”

On May 12, 2020, LippoInsurance held a health-themed webinar entitled “What to do before-after-during Covid-19 Attack”. Webinar moderated by Dr. Ribka and Muzakkir Ikhwan were attended by around 300 participants.

The first session was presented by Dr. dr. Allen Widysanto, Sp.P., TTS, FAPSR, as a pulmonary specialist at Siloam Hospital Lippo Village. He gave a presentation on how the human immune system works, how to optimize the body’s immune system, and things to do during the Covid-19 pandemic. He also answered several questions in the Q&A session.

The webinar was followed by a survivor Covid-19, Joanna Halim, who shared her experience when infected with Covid-19. He experienced early symptoms of Covid-19 which often disappeared and appeared suddenly so he finally decided to contact a doctor after experiencing serious symptoms such as shortness of breath.

Near the end of the webinar, Alexander Mutak, S.Pd., MM. as BDev. The Head of Siloam Hospital Lippo Village provides information about online consultations available at Siloam Hospital. In addition, drive-thru services for blood sampling, drug purchase, and vaccination are also available.

The conclusion of this webinar is to keep the body clean and immunity. Don’t panic or underestimate Covid-19. If infected with Covid-19, keep positive thinking to speed up the healing process.

[Marketing Communication LippoInsurance]

